Happy New Year! I guess

Sorry about that but i had to start my first word blogging in the new year with a swear word. Not a good way of opening a new year but hey sometimes a man got to do what a man got to do. In this case swear about. Here comes the summary:
1. the Netherlands is getting a christian government.....
2. cab drivers in amsterdam complaining about not earning enough....
3. Siep de Haan complaining about that they are taking away his.... gay pride
4. everybody wondering where the winter is while I can't wait for the summer to come
5. me getting fired up by all of the above
Having raised your curiousity I of course could elaborate on every point but hey that would be enough material for you to read for the coming 24 hours so i won't (this time).
There is one thing however I am really surprised about. Did the gay community in the Netherlands really got that bored with fighting for their rights? Do they really believe their freedom is given? Are we all really that spoiled?
I can not understand why I have not read one single word of opposition about the assumption - the assumption alone is enough - that we are willing that our potential new government will have people in it who believe being gay is wrong. Mr Rouvoet - with Balkenende applauding him - wants to make this nation one that is based on biblical believes. Hence gone is gay marriage and gay rights. Its coherent with the 'vertrutting', the domestication of this nation. Particularly because everybody just silently watches what is happening and all of sudden wakes up when they are individually hurt by it. Have we become that egocentric that we do not care anymore about the group?
Anyways i know that I usually write about more lighter topics but this I needed to get of my chest. Perhaps I should consider a career in my politics but i am afraid i am not dull enough. Speaking of dull can anyone please advise me on what to do with your time when its raining cats and dogs? And yes I know having sex with someone cute is one of the solutions but that one I figuered out myself. So any original answers are more than welcome because i am getting bored of spending my time needle pointing.
Will try to write again soon on the other four topics. If anyone is interested.
To proof my point, this comes from the election program of the Christen Unie:
" Het huwelijk is een verbintenis tussen één man en één vrouw. Andere samenlevingsvormen kunnen niet aan het huwelijk gelijkgesteld worden. Ter voorkoming van onrechtvaardige situaties kan voor niet-huwelijkse samenlevingsvormen een regeling getroffen worden waarin bepaalde rechtsgevolgen, bijvoorbeeld in het belang van eventuele kinderen, worden vastgelegd."
Sorry about that but i had to start my first word blogging in the new year with a swear word. Not a good way of opening a new year but hey sometimes a man got to do what a man got to do. In this case swear about. Here comes the summary:
1. the Netherlands is getting a christian government.....
2. cab drivers in amsterdam complaining about not earning enough....
3. Siep de Haan complaining about that they are taking away his.... gay pride
4. everybody wondering where the winter is while I can't wait for the summer to come
5. me getting fired up by all of the above
Having raised your curiousity I of course could elaborate on every point but hey that would be enough material for you to read for the coming 24 hours so i won't (this time).
There is one thing however I am really surprised about. Did the gay community in the Netherlands really got that bored with fighting for their rights? Do they really believe their freedom is given? Are we all really that spoiled?
I can not understand why I have not read one single word of opposition about the assumption - the assumption alone is enough - that we are willing that our potential new government will have people in it who believe being gay is wrong. Mr Rouvoet - with Balkenende applauding him - wants to make this nation one that is based on biblical believes. Hence gone is gay marriage and gay rights. Its coherent with the 'vertrutting', the domestication of this nation. Particularly because everybody just silently watches what is happening and all of sudden wakes up when they are individually hurt by it. Have we become that egocentric that we do not care anymore about the group?
Anyways i know that I usually write about more lighter topics but this I needed to get of my chest. Perhaps I should consider a career in my politics but i am afraid i am not dull enough. Speaking of dull can anyone please advise me on what to do with your time when its raining cats and dogs? And yes I know having sex with someone cute is one of the solutions but that one I figuered out myself. So any original answers are more than welcome because i am getting bored of spending my time needle pointing.
Will try to write again soon on the other four topics. If anyone is interested.
To proof my point, this comes from the election program of the Christen Unie:
" Het huwelijk is een verbintenis tussen één man en één vrouw. Andere samenlevingsvormen kunnen niet aan het huwelijk gelijkgesteld worden. Ter voorkoming van onrechtvaardige situaties kan voor niet-huwelijkse samenlevingsvormen een regeling getroffen worden waarin bepaalde rechtsgevolgen, bijvoorbeeld in het belang van eventuele kinderen, worden vastgelegd."